Moose City

Moose City USA


Welcome to the Moose City website! Moose City is a member-owned recreational property up the North Fork of the Flathead River in Flathead County in northwest Montana.

The “city” is up tight against the British Columbia border and the northwest corner of Glacier National Park. The river forms the border of the park on the west and the Moose City property on the east. The Trail Creek Border Patrol station is adjacent to the property. There are five cabins and an airstrip for use by members and guests of members only.

moose2Moose Statistics:

Life span: 15-25 years
Weight: 1,200-1,500 lbs
Body length: around 8 feet
Height at shoulders: 6.5-7.5 feet
Moose are large even-toed herbivorous mammals, the largest of the deer family.

Moose have long, lighter-colored legs with the front pair longer than the hind ones. Other features include a long nose, drooping lip, hump at the shoulders and small tail. The flap of skin that hangs beneath the throat is called a BELL.

New born calves weigh around 33 lbs but quickly increase in size, around 300 or 400 pounds by its first winter. They stay with their mother for at least a year after birth, until the next young are born.

Only the males have antlers, massive flattened ones averaging 63 inches across and 44 lbs in weight. These antlers have as many as 30 TINES (or spikes), the shape differing from animal to animal.

A moose’s teeth are specially designed for eating plant materials and for browsing on bushes and small trees. In all they have 32 teeth made up of 12 ridged molars, 12 premolars, 6 incisors and 2 canines.

Moose are active throughout the day with activity peaks during dawn and dusk. Moose are not normally aggressive, however, they can be very aggressive when hungry, tired or harassed by people, dogs, and traffic. During the mating season bull moose are often more aggressive toward people. Mothers with young calves are very protective and will attack humans who come too close as well. Unlike other animals, such as dogs and bears, it’s usually a good idea to run from a moose because they won’t chase you very far.